My story…

My walk with chronic inflammation has started in my early 30’s, although I believe the triggering factors were set way before then.

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and I started to follow a treatment plan which was helping to keep my hormone levels in ‘normal’ limits. It was working; I was tired all the time, my iron levels were severely low, my relationship with my weight was off, my stress levels were all up and I had to fight with anxiety all the time, but …. My lab results were in normal limits. 

This was the way that I was built anyway, and feeling all those was normal! I believed…  

I was wrong…

Only after hypothyroidism turned into Hashimoto’s that I realized the exact meaning of autoimmune condition and that I needed to do more for my health, more than just staying in ‘normal’ limits. 

This awareness set the course of my journey… 

Through my interest in actuarial science and my major in Mathematics, I took up a job in health insurance business after my graduation. 

This was my first major involvement in medicine and health systems.

I was working with medical practitioners, with hospitals, labs and imaging companies; I was involved in medical files, through treatments and illnesses…

It was at that time that I realized, in many settings health is measured by numbers… Patients, cost of treatments, visits, time to spend with your GP they are all numbers … Morbidities, mortalities, averages, health expectations they are all statistics… 

People’s health, their experiences, expectations…. All numbers… 

This was and is not right. Something big was and is profoundly missing.  

This observation planted the first seeds for my path into holistic health. 

I grew up in a family where food was in the centre…

Food meant family, connection, belonging… It meant culture, generations, and ceremonies… It spoke love and care … It was for socializing and entertaining… It was in the stories, in our folklore, and it was woven into our moral values… 

After my mother passed away in my early 20s, food took up another adjective and cooking become a way to show tribute to her and all the ones that had passed before her, mostly due to cancer. 

Food was personal, emotional and mental…

However, I should admit that the realization of the importance of food in healing was the biggest turn in my path!  

There are tons of adjectives to define food, and  “medicine” is definitely one of them: After all, “food is medicine” ranks among the tops when we consider the many facets of food.

Despite to downsides of having a chronic health problem, I’d still like to look from the bright side and say that my autoimmune condition and my family’s experience with cancer empowered me in many ways! 

While trying to put the pieces of health, healing, chronic inflammation, autoimmunity, gut health, cancer, food connections, mind-body-spirit balance, emotional ups and downs, grief and loss, and everything else in between I realized that I was not alone.

We are a big community seeking similar solutions. 

Besides, the many facet of food and their crucial stance amidst our health are why I enthusiastically show up everyday to help people in my community to navigate their own wellness and healing journeys, with their own connection to food. 

What I do…

Do you know how when you or a loved one is diagnosed with a severe health condition, it feels daunting and complicated to implement dietary and life style tools to support treatment and healing while trying to navigate the medical system.

The information out there is vast and can be confusing at times.

Especially with cancer, individuals and their families find themselves at a loss for what to eat and how to nourish themselves; either due to the challenging side effects of their treatments or for the fear of fuelling their condition.

What I do is to support individuals and their families with nutritional guidance, food choices, meal plans and recipes, and life style adjustments during and after their treatments as well as for preventive measures, so that they can navigate the side effects better, be more in control of their healing journey and create a life style that would support their wellbeing in the long run.

Credentials and Designations…

Education and Certifications

  • Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, CANNP
  • Diploma in Holistic Nutrition – Pacific Rim College, Victoria BC
  • Diploma in Culinary Arts – Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts, Vancouver BC
  • Reiki Level II Certification, Victoria BC
  • Qi Gong For Body Workers, Victoria BC
